This mare was a working horse and she was the gentlest of mares in the riding club for severely autistic children. She communicated with them. She was the one all moms wanted to entrust with their children, because she made them feel safe.
Then, the mare gave birth to a stillborn foal. And it all changed... she became aggressive, she would hunt down children holding their moms' hands or anything that looked evern remotely like a family. It got so bad, they had to remove her from her activities. The owners couldn't even sell her because she was so aggressive, and were worried they would have no other choice than to put her down. That's when they came to me, hoping homeopathy could help.
She told me the story... the long birthing and finally, a stillborn foal. They took the foal away quickly... too quickly and the mare although aware of what had happened, didn't have enough time to grieve over him.
She was mad at the owners and wouldn't talk to them, look at them or even communicate with them. The owners put it all down to grief, but it wasn't only the grief... it was rage... the mare was just next to us, out in the fields where we discussing what had happened... and I told the owners that it wasn't the grief they were seeing, but pure rage... like I told them "look at her, she is telling you how mad she is... she's not looking at you, she's even turned her rump to you, the ears are laid back and she's not grazing the grass, she's ripping it out.. neither is she letting you anywhere even near her... she just walks away... why is she mad at you? She wasn't ready for you to take away her foal... she needed more time ... so she's mad at you for forcing events.
This mare got an anger remedy followed by a grief remedy some time later. She got much better and was reinstated in the riding club. There was no more lunging at families, or nipping anyone, she was back to her old usual self, just a sadder version.
Some time later, there came to this riding club, a very emotionally disturbed teenager. She was really not well at all, she hated the world and everything in it. Interestingly enough, the mare found her... they hung out together, cuddling, telling each other their stories and they bonded... They bonded so well, that the mare became the teenager's horse. She was the riding club's owner's niece and when she saw how they both got on and how happy they both looked when they were together, she gifted the horse to her niece. The mare stayed in the club but now belonged to the niece, so she was no longer working with anyone, just being a family horse!
The pictures of the horse are internet pictures and in no way represent my patient